True Leaders don’t create followers, they create more leaders.
Our team is committed to developing our people into the top talent in our industry. We know our greatest tool is our people.
Mr. Hunt started utility construction in 1980 on a part time basis while completing high school. After high school, he started working full time in his family’s business on all aspects of heavy construction such as sanitary sewer lines, sewer treatment plants, and sewer pump stations.
His technical expertise covers all parts of gravity sewer construction as well as gravity sewer maintenance. Work experience also covered all aspects of water line construction, to include water treatment plants, water booster pump stations, and water line and system sterilization. He has completed numerous classes on new installation and construction improvements for Highway and Utility construction.
He is certified as a trainer for OSHA trenching and excavation safety standards through Carolinas AGC and NC State University. Greg is responsible for analysis of bid requirements, estimating civil and utility construction, project management of all PU projects, and supervision of all superintendents and project managers under his Division, has completed the Construction Quality Management Course thru the Army Corp of Engineers, Flagging Instructor from Institute for Transportation Research and Education.
- Micro Enterprise Business Program at Southeastern Community College
- US Army Corps of Engineers Construction Quality Management – Certified
- Member, Prospect United Methodist Church
- Member, NC Rural Water Association