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GCS — Kiser Elementary School

Owner: Guilford County Schools

Location: 716 Benjamin Parkway, Greensboro, NC 27408

Architect:Good Van Slyke Architecture

Bid Bond: Required for Bid Packages $100,000 or Higher

Performance & Payment Bond: May Be Required for Bid Packages $100,000 or More and Will Be Required for Bid Packages $300,000 and Higher.

The GCS – Kiser Middle School located at 716 Benjamin Parkway, Greensboro, NC 27408 is a twostory,steel framed structure with veneer masonry and exterior wall panels on light gauge metal framing. Proper planning and phasing of this critical early site work will be required due to complex job site. The current building area as determined by BOMA is 183,371 SQFT. Phase I will include structural steel and site work that includes selective site demo, site clearing, grading, utilities, storm drainage, excavation, erosion control, soil treatment, and building pad.

Prequalification Due Date/Time: July 15, 2022, COB

Instructions to Prequalify:

• If your firm has submitted Part A then you are only required to submit Part B of this document. For questions about this form contact Tina Harris (910-521-8013).

• Forms may be submitted electronically via email, mail, fax, or hand delivery to Metcon, attention Tina Harris. Please make sure, if submitting handwritten form, that all information is clearly printed. Metcon will request Illegible information be resubmitted and this will delay the prequalification process.

Part A: CM at Risk
1st Tier Subcontractor Master Prequalification Form

(Annual Submittal)

Part B: CM at Risk
1st Tier Subcontractor Prequalification

(Project Specific Supplement)


Precon Department

(Contact anyone listed below for more information)

Brandon Harper, Preconstruction Manager


Tina Harris, Preconstruction Coordinator
